



CAROLINE E. KENNEDY - CAROLINE KENNEDIA_________________________

October 11, 2006


Enclosed is pictures of what they look like to see the Picture for this site go to:

These are devices that were left on the Philadelphia Experiment....They are Electronic Magnetics which have to able to make things move and when used the wrong way they will take the Mageticism out of you............Perfect example is Hilter....See Aliens of The Golden Dawn...........I was also hit with one of these and when I came to all I could do was roll my eyes up or down and all I could say was HURT HURT..........I was cataonic for 5 days.......These devices have been used the wrong way by Nina Alves Carolyn Bessette and many others...PLEASE do not use........They have brought nothing but despair to the UNIVERSE............

According to John he did not know Alexandra Bruce until they all got to the ILLUMINATI.........And Alexandra said she knew what was going on because she went back and forth in time and study The Past of Caroline E. Hernandez Crivelli Cervantes MacDonald VanDerMeer McRory Kennedy, Jr. (F 35th President of The United States, Jr.) See Newspoem Letter JFK,Jr Crash Report - Skolnick Report - POTUS FILE -Sophia of Wisdom III.
Edited by Peter Moon
January 2001
from SkyBookUSA Website

The nature of this book necessitates clear statements of what is and what is not being purported. Much of this story is based upon the memory, recollections and experiences of various individuals. It is up to the reader to evaluate their relative troth. The publisher does not assume responsibility for inaccuracies that may have resulted from induced trauma or misconceptions. Some names and locations have been withheld or changed to protect the privacy of those concerned. Lastly, nothing in this book should be interpreted to be an attack on the United States Government. The publisher and the author believe and fully support the United States Government as set forth by the U.S. Constitution. Any heinous activities described herein are considered to by perpetrated by individuals who were not acting within the legal bounds of the law.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Bruce, Alexandra The Philadelphia Experiment Murder: Parallel Realities and the Physics of Insanity by Alexandra Bruce 244 pages ISBN O-963 1889-5-X

1. Time Travel 2. Mind Control 3. Parallel Universes Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 00-135081


Many years ago, I had learned about the Schneider family from Wilsonville, Oregon and their connection to the Philadelphia Experiment. Phil Schneider was the name of a man who had been lecturing across the country and telling incredible tales about underground bases of the military. He also claimed that his father, Oscar or Otto, had been a Nazi U-boat captain who had shifted his loyalties to the Allies where he served as a full-fledged medical doctor. He had also been seen aboard the U.S.S. Eldridge, the ship believed to have been involved in the Philadelphia Experiment

When I first heard of the death of Phil Schneider, I was amazed at the suspicious circumstances surrounding his death. I wanted to investigate the matter and write a book on it. As is the case with so many books I would like to write, time and circumstances would not allow it. Nevertheless, the story stood out and needed to be told.

When I first became involved in the research of the Montauk Project and the Philadelphia Experiment, Preston Nichols told me that it was the martyring of Dr. Morris K. Jessup which gave impact and credibility to the original investigation of the secret experiments of 1943. In other words, had he not died and “spilled his blood,” there might not have been enough interest generated to find out much at all about the Philadelphia Experiment. For those of you who are not familiar with Morris Jessup, he was a well known scientist and investigator of the paranormal who was discovered dead under suspicious circumstances after being personally responsible for breaking the story which is now known as the Philadelphia Experiment.

At this writing, forty-four years since Jessup was found dead, a new martyr has been created in what I have termed the second “Philadelphia Experiment Murder.” An investigation into his death has resulted in a fountain of new information. But, before we go into the details of Phil Schneider and his mysterious death, it will serve us to review the original patter n of how the Philadelphia Experiment sprouted into consciousness in the first place.

After writing an extensive and well thought out book about UFO phenomena entitled The Case for the UFO, Morris Jessup became the recipient of very strange mail from Carlos Allende, a mysterious and elusive man who was a witness to the Philadelphia Experiment. In modern folklore and literature, Carlos Allende is the original source or “portal” responsible for unleashing the flow of information which has since ensued. Thus, in the stream of time, there are two major events which resulted in the inception of the Philadelphia Experiment story or legend.

First, there were the letters from Allende. Although Jessup received them over a lengthy period of time, they had a profound impact on him.


llende also sent a cryptically annotated version of Jessup’s book to the Navy. This eventually resulted in the Navy contacting Jessup whereupon they actually published it a limited edition and new format that included Allende’s cryptic notes which alluded to UFO propulsion drives being connected to the Unified Field Theory and its application in the so-called Philadelphia Experiment.

After being interviewed by the Office of Naval Research several times, Dr. Jessup knew he was coming closer and closer to the truth. But, the more he found out, the more it seemed to disturb him. He commented on a strange pattern of coincidences that seemed to be overwhelming him. After visiting publishers and several friends in New York, he disappeared in 1958 after he was supposed to return to his home in Indiana. After many inquiries were made, he was finally found dead in a car outside of his home in Coral Gables, Florida in what was officially claimed to be a suicide. None of his true friends accepted this and inquiries into the official investigation left many unanswered questions. The obvious conclusion by serious investigators was that he was murdered. The Philadelphia Experiment legend has since grown into several books and a full length motion picture. It has also attracted a steady following of supporters. In fact, it can even be considered that the Philadelphia Experiment legend has reached epic proportions if you consider it all began with a few crack pot letters from Carlos Allende.

When Carlos Allende died in a Colorado nursing home in the early 1990’s, there were many questions left unanswered. He left this world with many serious researchers scratching their heads. Anyone who has studied the Philadelphia Experiment to any serious extent knows well that there have been many attempts to pin Carlos Allende down with regard to where he was and what his role was in 1943. Some say that he really wasn’t on this ship or that ship. There are also the smug observations that he could not possibly have any real scientific training or acumen because he did not know how to spell or speak good English. There are various theories and assertions as to exactly what he was doing, but none of them are really too important. Too many “head-scratching” researchers have missed the main point of Carlos Allende and his role in releasing the Philadelphia Experiment information. Although it appears in books on the subject, the primary fact of the entire matter has been woefully understated. The following quotations are in his own handwriting from the letters he wrote to Dr. Jessup.

“I can be of some positive help to you in myself but to do so would require a Hypnotist, Sodium Pentathol, a tape recorder & an excellent typist-secretary in order to produce material of Real value to you.”

“UNDER NARCO-HYPNOSIS I CAN BE ENABLED TO DIVULGE THE NAME, DATE & SECTION & PAGE NUMBER of that Paper & the other one. Thus this Papers “Morgue” will divulge EVEN MORE POSITIVE PROOF ALREADY PUBLISHED of this experiment.”

The paper Allende is referring to is what he terms a “Philadelphia NEWSPAPER.” Whether this is a screen memory of reading the information from a newspaper or an actual memory, I have no idea. According to sailors at Philadelphia during the time of the experiment, there was an account of the Philadelphia Experiment, at least about a bar room brawl, in a Navy publication named The Beacon. Even so, Allende’s accuracy is not terribly significant. What is important is that he was aware of sodium-pentathol at all. This was a “truth serum” drug that the Navy experimented with during the war. By placing a subject under the influence of this drug, the operator could find out the most amazing details about his life. There seemed to be no limits to what could be discovered or accomplished with this mental research. Whether as a victim, researcher, or perpetrator trying to clear his guilty conscious, Allende knew about the cutting edge of mind control research. He was hoping that Jessup could help him in this regard. This is the most important point about Carlos Allende and is all we really need to know. For whatever reason and in whatever manner, Allende was a witness to something that completely horrified him. Subsequently, he displayed a knowledge of physics, albeit more than somewhat fragmented, that displayed a knowledge far beyond someone who was instructed only in Physics 101.

So, to recap, we have the Allende letters to Jessup as being the source of the research and investigation that sprouts the legend and literature regarding the Philadelphia Experiment. Jessup investigates matters and is also contacted by the Navy. He becomes disturbed at what he discovers and disappears before being found dead in Florida. Ivan Sanderson, Gray Barker, and others take up the cause and produce various articles and publications. Ultimately, William Moore and Charles Berlitz publish their book The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility which brings the subject to the mainstream. Of course, the story does not end there. Eventually, The Philadelphia Experiment is released as a motion picture and this unleashes a whole new chain of events. Preston Nichols, Duncan Cameron, and Al Bielek emerge and connect the time experiment in Philadelphia to that of Montauk, New York. Wild and preposterous stories are held together with hitherto unheard of technical explanations and approaches to the phenomena surrounding time. New avenues of thought are opened to the imagination.

When I come along and hear the stories of Preston, Duncan, and Al, I work with Preston in order to write the most cohesive account possible at the time. This results in the birth of an entirely new legend: The Montauk Project, a series of mind control and time experiments which allegedly connected to the 1943 version of the Philadelphia Experiment itself.

I find the predicament of Carlos Allende somewhat similar to Preston Nichols. Both were programmed or mind controlled and seem to “leak” information that comes from an unpredictable source and certainly flows in an unpredictable manner.

However, Preston is much more together as a personality than Allende was and is also available for dialogue. He is also a scientific genius. Like Dr. Jessup, I also encounter strange coincidences or patterns of what we call “synchronicity.” But, unlike Dr. Jessup, the coincidences I discover are not disturbing. I take these coincidences and use them like chess pieces to discover new facets and connections in an attempt to explain what is going on. A whole new genre of literature has thus been created which has turned into “The Montauk Saga,” and the eternal quest to discover the secrets of time and the universe itself. This book, The Philadelphia Experiment Murder: Parallel Universes and the Physics of Insanity, which is based upon the murder of Phil Schneider, is an important piece of literature in this regard.

I have referred to the death of Phil Schneider as the second “Philadelphia Experiment Murder” because his life is inextricably connected to this incident and the quantum potential that it represents to all of humanity. In a bigger sense, the “Philadelphia Experiment Murder” also refers to efforts by some to literally “murder” the legend or story itself and thus cut off mankind’s reach to an expanded reality and consciousness of itself. Most importantly, it should be recognized that Phil Schneider died as a martyr for the cause of truth. His life and efforts to expose the truth should never be forgotten.

The word “turtle” derives from “tortoise” which means “tortus” (twisted). Webster’s New World Dictionary gives a hypoethetic derivation of the Latin tortus as being derived from Late Greek tartarouchos, evil demon, originally controlling Tartarus.

Although I was personally very well aware of the outrageousness and implications of Phil’s death, time and circumstances did not allow me to engage in a personal investigation of the matter. This responsibility was placed in the hands of Alexandra Bruce, a very capable researcher and writer who has more than a little acumen for this type of research. I first met Alexandra many years ago at a lecture in Manhattan. When she told me her surname, I inquired if she was aware of the particular nature of that name’s Scottish heritage. I was, of course, referring to King Robert I “the Bruce”, whose army defeated the English in the Battle of Bannockburn, winning the independence of Scotland. Those of you who are familiar with my earlier work will remember that the Stewart family are the guardians of the Stone of Scone and by that reason, are the rightful heirs to the throne of the British Isles. The purpose of the Jacobite rebellion was to restore the Stewarts to that throne.

Looking further into Scottish history, I discovered that the legitimacy of the Stewart Clan’s claim was due to Walter Stewart’s marriage to Marjorie Bruce, daughter of Robert the Bruce. Walter had commanded the left wing of the Scots army at Bannockburn and had been knighted by Bruce on the battlefield. The son of Marjorie and Walter Stewart, Robert II ascended to throne of Scotland, after her brother, King David II died in 1371. The Scottish crown was thereby passed to the Stewart Clan. Alexandra’s uncle, Duncan Bruce has been the North American representative for the Chief of the Bruc


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